This is the forward end of the Yanmar GM showing all the work that Dave did running hoses and such. Just under the engine, mounted on the block, is the a sheave for the steering cables.
I built a shelf above the engine for the starting battery. Two battery switches protrude through the bulkhead. You see their backs. On the upper left is our inverter. The box in the lower right corner holds two AGM batteries. The other two are below the sole behind the forward companionway steps, which lift out. The two battery boxes are in close proximity for wiring. |
This is the somewhat complicated installation of the waterheater. It is mounted under the cockpit sole in the engine compartment and is out of the way. I can reach it easily from the seat hatch above.
The heater is a jacketed stainless steel 6 gallon unit. It will heat water while the engine is running and store it for later use. |
This site, copy and photographs copyright Nina Courtney.