Well, quite a bit has happened since the last photo! With the hulls are locked together, the wing deck bulkheads are run across between and cabinsides and the amas. The wing foil shapes are attached to the forward aka. The beginnings of deck supports have been installed in the amas. It definitely looks like a boat and we're beginning to get a good idea of the space we'll have in which to live and move about.
We changed the companionway location into the forward cabin - made it offset to the starboard side instead of on the centerline. This causes one of the double berths to be reduced to a roomy single, but we think it will be easier to get in and out as the mast is stepped in the cockpit a mere one foot aft of the cabin. It also cuts off one person worth of cockpit seating area, although we may install a collapsible seat there when we have a bunch of people with us. |
This view gives a good view of the wing foil bulkheads and wing deck bulkheads on the port side. | |||||||||
This site, copy and photographs copyright Nina Courtney.