I didn't know how I was going to accomplish the front of the cabin for a very long time. It is not in the plans. Finally I worked it the design out in my head and then it was just a matter of building it.
This first view shows the stringers and the battens that are helping me determine the curve of Rikki-tikki's forehead. Boats are animate objects and Rikki-tikki-tavi, being a speedy little mongoose, must see where he is going, so he will have eyes (fixed portlights) in his head later. |
The forward side of the cabin is now just temporarily attached to check the fit before the final gluing. We have to make sure it does what we want it to do. I don't like to do things more than once. Once we decide we like it, then I'll go ahead and make it permanent.
All this curving plywood will be locked in place with the stringers and deck of the bow, so if there are any waves boarding, there will be no chance of separation. |
Just another view of the front of the foreward cabintop with its new forehead and the bow. You are looking down into the head space...
This site, copy and photographs copyright Nina Courtney.